I want to personally thank you for the two exhilarating presentations you recently gave at the MetLife Investigators’ Conference. In scanning through the conference surveys it became obvious that the attendees were of the same opinion I was, that your luncheon presentation on ‘What the Con Artists Don’t Want You to Know’ and afternoon session on ‘Business/Financial Fraud & Cyber Crime’ were just outstanding.

Your approach and speaking style really engage the audience. Many of the attendees I spoke with immediately commented on your work, and obvious in-depth knowledge of the subject matter. Moreover, the way you ensured the material was relevant and dovetailed into the work they do every day was just great.

It’s one thing to march speakers through to present material and lecture for hours on end, however it’s entirely different to see you in action and receive the feedback from attendees on the enthusiasm you put into your work. The material was well received and enjoyed by all. I wish every insurance fraud investigator in the country could hear your presentations!

John T. Duffner, CPA, CFEAssistant VPMetLife Special Investigations Unit